Benchmarking / Analysis on Demand
Explore your institution's research activity and compare to peers
Leverage the most comprehensive database of scholarly activity to compare yourself with higher education peers. Access our top requested interactive analyses based on trending questions in academia, and your custom report requests all in one place. Enhance your research culture and competitive advantages through targeted analysis.
- Employ data-driven holistic metrics to assist in strategic planning and program/department review
- Support faculty development with career trends drawn from current and aspirant peers
- Identify research active, but under-recognized faculty at your institution
- Discover trending research topics at your institution
- Customize your experience by taking advantage of multiple levels of faculty aggregation, a variety of filtering options, and the ability to create your own bespoke units.

"The nice thing about the (benchmarking) tool is you don’t have to limit it… It allows the flexibility of the program directors to do their own custom analysis"
Bernard Arulanandam
Former Vice President for Research, Economic Development, and Knowledge Enterprise
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Research Insight
Discover subject matter experts, funding, honorific awards, and more.
Use data-driven intelligence to identify, support, and strengthen outstanding university research teams and enterprise. Easily discover subject matter experts, funding prospects, and honorific award opportunities.
- Recognize scholars and areas of expertise across a broad range of subjects
- Find suitable honorific awards for your scholars, no matter the stage in their career
- Use 9 variables of our data to create suitability index of recognizing faculty
- Discover funding opportunities in particular areas for individuals or teams
- Create expert teams from across the campus or the country– Pair experienced and junior scholars to build a strong, sustainable research enterprise– Eliminate duplicative entries for limited submission grants

"When we use Academic Analytics we can …drill down …and start to create …better synergism than we are already experiencing on our campus"
Michael Good
Senior Vice President for Health Sciences
and Executive Dean, School of Medicine
University of Utah
Medical Insight
Explore the activity of medical faculty at your institution and compare to peers.
Medical Insight is the only tool available that provides comparative analytics of research metrics for department faculty at medical schools. Our unique dataset gives insight into the scholarly activity of medical department faculty.
Academic Analytics has built a database of over 185,000 medical department faculty, in 80 disciplines, across 158 NIH-funded medical schools, and 112 cancer centers.
- See the research strengths of your medical school
- Explore collaborations across campus
- Confirm you’re getting your share of honors and funding
- See how your research stacks up to peers
Faculty Insight
Give scholars control over their pre-populated profile.
Scholars control their own profiles and can access targeted funding, honorific award opportunities, and potential collaborators. Enables scholars, administrators, and students to search for expertise within our extensive database of scholarly works.
- Build upon your pre-populated research profile
- Identify subject matter experts locally and across the nation
- Receive personalized suggestions for grants and honorific awards
- Find new funding and honorific award opportunities
- Integrate university warehoused data

"These tools allow you to generate hypothesis, test them, and evaluate where you might head in the future. "
Kimberly Espy
Former Provost and Senior Vice President
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Activity Reporting
Improves faculty members’ efficiency and helps achieve their research goals
Faculty Insight Activity Reporting improves faculty members’ efficiency and helps them to achieve their research goals, while providing administrators with an integrated, intuitive platform.
- Pre-populated faculty data can flow into Activity Reporting
- Empowers faculty to showcase the full spectrum of their professional activities
- Captures a comprehensive collection of all faculty activities for various reporting including accreditation
Reviews & Workflows
Workflows, for promotion and tenure, annual reviews, hiring, sabbatical decisions, and more
A module of the Faculty Insight Suite of tools, Reviews & Workflows automates and streamlines processes, while providing administrators with a simple yet robust solution for conducting reviews. Build flexible, efficient systems to facilitate multiple types of review workflows, including promotion and tenure, annual reviews, hiring, sabbatical decisions, and more.
- Personalize Reviews & Workflows and monitor their progress
- Create customizable and reusable workflows and monitor progress during the review cycle
- Centralize and streamline review and workflow processes across campus
External Discovery Site
Showcase your institution's scholarship on a public-facing website.
External Discovery Site (EDS) combines Academic Analytics’ accurate and comprehensive scholarly activity data with a university’s own warehoused data to create a modern, configurable, fully pre-populated website that showcases research and researchers at the faculty, program, department, and center level.
- Showcase university scholarship on this public facing website
- Connect faculty expertise to media, philanthropy and industry
- Integrate university-warehoused data
- Scholars can control their pre-populated profiles
- Customize interface to use university look and feel

"This is a tool we use to showcase faculty talent to the external world"
Rick Tankersley
Former Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Alumni Insight
Explore the careers of bachelor, master, doctoral, and postdoctoral alumni.
Helps universities understand the career paths of bachelor, master, doctoral, and postdoctoral alumni for reporting, outreach, and strategic planning. Enables users to view job positions, employers, locations, and estimated salaries at the individual and aggregate levels and compare outcomes to peers.
- Identify employers frequently hiring your alumni
- Compare your outcomes to other institutions
- Recognize successful alumni for institutional advancement
- Utilize data for training grant applications and renewals
- Showcase career paths to prospective students

"Alumni Insight is a valuable tool in understanding alumni journey, student success, and how well our programs were preparing students for diverse careers."
Lisa Tedesco
Senior Advisor, Academic Analytics,
former Special Advisor to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Emory University
Industry Insight
Discover and connect your university with valuable industry partners
Providing academics the ability to explore and connect your university with valuable industry partners. The database and tool solves a number of key challenges such as:
- Identify key alumni who may facilitate successful partnerships across industries
- Determine which companies/industries are seeking academic research support
- Find specific funding opportunities for programs
- Pinpoint faculty partnerships across multiple industries