

Benchmarking / Analysis on Demand
Explore your institution's research activity and compare to peers

Research Insight
Discover subject matter experts, funding, honorific awards, and more.

Faculty Insight
Give scholars control over their pre-populated profile.

Alumni Insight
Explore the careers of bachelor, master, doctoral, and postdoctoral alumni.

External Discovery Site
Showcase your institution's scholarship on a public-facing website.

Medical Insight
Explore the activity of medical faculty at your institution and compare to peers.

Industry Insight
Discover and connect your university with valuable industry partners

Alumni Insight

Helps universities understand the career paths of bachelor, master, doctoral, and postdoctoral alumni for reporting, outreach, and strategic planning. Enables users to view job positions, employers, locations, and estimated salaries at the individual and aggregate levels and compare outcomes to peers.

  • Identify employers frequently hiring your alumni
  • Compare your outcomes to other institutions
  • Recognize successful alumni for institutional advancement
  • Utilize data for training grant applications and renewals
  • Showcase career paths to prospective students
  • Alumni Insight documentation

"Alumni Insight is a valuable tool in understanding alumni journey, student success, and how well our programs were preparing students for diverse careers."

Lisa Tedesco

Special Advisor to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Emory University
