
Benchmarking / Analysis on Demand

Research Insight

Faculty Insight

Alumni Insight

External Discovery Site

Medical Insight

Industry Insight

Activity Reporting

Reviews & Workflows

Research Insight

Discover subject matter experts, funding, honorific awards, and more.

Use data-driven intelligence to identify, support, and strengthen outstanding university research teams and enterprise. Easily discover subject matter experts, funding prospects, and honorific award opportunities.

  • Recognize scholars and areas of expertise across a broad range of subjects
  • Find suitable honorific awards for your scholars, no matter the stage in their career
  • Use 9 variables of our data to create suitability index of recognizing faculty
  • Discover funding opportunities in particular areas for individuals or teams
  • Create expert teams from across the campus or the country
    – Pair experienced and junior scholars to build a strong, sustainable research enterprise
    – Eliminate duplicative entries for limited submission grants

"When we use Academic Analytics we can …drill down …and start to create …better synergism than we are already experiencing on our campus"

Michael Good

Senior Vice President for Health Sciences
and Executive Dean, School of Medicine
University of Utah
